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Basketball » Turkey 1 (M), 19. round
14.02.2015. 16:00 Finished
Gaziantep Bb - Turk Telekom (88:77)

Gaziantep with the new center - Gagić from Partizan

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Telekom are eighth at the moment, with two wins more than Zdovc's team, and if Telekom win today, they'd be three matches ahead, with 2-0 against Gaziantep

Gaziantep were in the dangerous zone of the league table when they played an away match against Bešiktaš last week. A series of defeats pushed Zdovc and his team under the line for the first time this season, but luckily for them, they ended the series in a tough away match against a direct rival in the playoff battle. Bešiktaš are two wins away right now, though.

That win won't matter much if they don't confirm it today. Telekom are another direct rival who come here with 9-9, while Gaziantep have 7-11 at the moment. Those 9-9 are enough for the eighth place, and it's obvious that Gaziantep would be three matches behind Telekom if they lose, which, with 2-0 in the matches they played against each other, would mean kissing the playoff battle goodbye. So, this match is crucial, and Zdovc can't afford a mistake.

They lost the first duel against Telekom 79-73, but both had different lineups then. Telekom didn't have their coach Sunter, Nalga and Joseph weren't in the rotation, no Chris Johnson and Kristaps Valters, who are all important parts of the rotation now. On the other hand, Zdovc didn't have Jaka Lakovič, and he'll definitely present another foreign player to the audience today.

They brought Đorđe Gagić, who left Partizan quite dissatisfied, and was called a traitor in Beograd for leaving. Zdovc has been trying to find a solution for the center since the season began, mostly with the duet of Ružić and Stević, while the Lithuanian Glynidiakis didn't show much. Gagić is a bit better defensively than Stević, tougher, but he's worse offensively, and has no distance shot that makes Stević very useful.

Today, they'll have the great Raković on their backs, and Gagić will definitely be better in standing up to him than the aforementioned duo. At the same time, this will require Zdovc to distribute the minutes in a new way, and leaving some of the foreign players at the stands because there are already six of them not counting Gagić (Higgins, Calloway, Williams, Lakovič, Lorbek, Stević). Last week, Higgins and Lakovič were great against Bešiktaš, with 36 points combined. They scored 11 out of 24 three pointers in a calm match, and Bešiktaš scored only 4 of 20. That was one of the key segments for Gaziantep's win, but there is also the statistic with the turnovers - 15 for Bešiktaš and

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